Cycling Esports Rules and Regulations



This summary provides a quick reference to the general principles behind this ruleset.


  • These rules only apply to a small number of designated high-level events, not all Zwift racing.
  • Disputes or complaints can be raised with, and may be heard by an independent Arbitrator.

Rules of Racing:

  • Register with Zwift Power.
  • Use your own Zwift account in your own name.
  • Use your real height & weight.
  • Spindown/calibrate your trainer and power meter. Make sure your cadence sensor and heart rate monitor are working.
  • Use the correct in-game virtual equipment.

Performance Verification:

  • You must provide performance verification data within the time period required in the applicable technical guide or race instructions.
  • You may be asked to provide additional evidence to help verify your performance in an event.
  • If there appears to be a problem, there is a second independent review before any decisions are made.


  • If your performance cannot be verified, your result may be annulled.
  • If you attempt to gain an unfair advantage, you may be disqualified and receive a ban from future events.
  • If you repeatedly break the rules, or bring the sport into disrepute, you may receive a permanent ban.

Code of Conduct:

  • Be nice to others.
  • Don't cheat.


1.1 Scope

  • 1.1.1 This ruleset governs races designated by Zwift as Zwift Cycling Esports events or series. It does not govern other events or series held on the Zwift platform.
  • 1.1.2 This ruleset shall also incorporate the attached Appendices to this document, the Zwift Cycling Esports Dispute Resolution Rules and the Zwift Cycling Esports Anti-Doping Policy.
  • 1.1.3 Where an event is held in conjunction with the UCI or a National Cycling Federation, the
    rulesets of the UCI or National Cycling Federation shall also apply. Where a rule in this ruleset conflicts with that of the UCI or National Cycling Federation, that of the UCI or National Cycling Federation shall take precedence.
  • 1.1.4 Additional event or series specific rules may also be provided by an event organizer. Where a
    rule in this ruleset conflicts with such additional rules, that in this ruleset shall take precedence.

1.2 Zwift Cycling Esports Commission

  • 1.2.1 The Zwift Cycling Esports Commission (hereafter "The Commission) shall be responsible for
    maintaining, implementing and communicating this ruleset.
  • 1.2.2 The Commission shall consist of the following.
  1. The head of Zwift Cycling Esports
  2. The chair of the Zwift Performance Verification Board
  3. The chair of the Zwift Accuracy and Data Analysis Groupd. Any other members The Commission deems necessary to discharge its responsibilities.
  4. 1.2.3 The Commission shall have the power to modify or supplement these rules at any time. The latest version can be found at

1.3 Zwift Performance Verification Board

  • 1.3.1 The Zwift Performance Verification Board (hereafter "The Board") shall be responsible for
    ensuring the integrity of results of Zwift Cycling Esports events and series.
  • 1.3.2 The Board shall consist of the following.
    A chair appointed by the head of Zwift Cycling Esports

A legal representative from Zwift

c) A technical representative from Zwift

  • 1.3.3 The Board shall act as the decision making body on any matters regarding potential breaches of this ruleset.
  • 1.3.4 The Board shall have the power to update the results of events, and apply further sanctions to riders, as set out in Appendix B ("Sanctions").

1.4 Zwift Accuracy and Data Analysis Group

  • 1.4.1 The Zwift Accuracy and Data Analysis Group (hereafter "ZADA" shall be responsible for providing expert technical analysis of the performances of riders in events held under this ruleset.
  • 1.4.2 ZADA shall consist of the following.
    a A chair appointed by the head of Zwift Cycling Esports

b) Any other members the chair deems necessary to discharge ZADA's responsibilities.

1 4 3 ZADA shall have the power to request information from riders to assist with their analysis, as set out in Appendix A ("Performance Verification"), and make recommendations to The Board as it sees fit.

1.5 Disputes

  • 1.5.1 In the event of any dispute regarding decisions made under this ruleset, an initial request for an appeal to be heard pursuant to the Zwift Cycling Esports Dispute Resolution Rules shall be submitted to within 48 hours of the decision.
    Note that, pursuant to Sections 2.15 and 2. 16 of the Zwift Cycling Esports Dispute Resolution Rules, if the request is for an appealable dispute, the applicant shall be notified of this, and then have a further three days to submit a formal request to the independent Arbitrator.
  • 1.5.2 Any complaints regarding the conduct or performance of participants of Zwift Cycling Esports event shall be submitted to within 48 hours of the end of the race.


2.1 Scope

  • 2.1.1. This ruleset shall apply to and bind any individual who participates (whether personally, or through any other individual) in any event held in accordance with this ruleset.
  • 2.1.2. All riders shall also agree to the Zwift Terms of Service ( and may be disqualified from, or lose eligibility to compete in Zwift Cycling Esports events by violating these terms, even if the violation takes place out-of-competition.
  • 2.1.3. It is the responsibility of each individual to review and understand this ruleset, and any
    additional event or series specific rules, and participation in any Zwift Cycling Esports event shall be deemed to indicate acceptance of them.

2.2 Eligibility

  • 2.2.1. Unless explicitly authorized by Zwift, a rider shall have reached eighteen years of age to be eligible to participate in any Zwift Cycling Esports event. This shall not preclude a rider from registering to participate in any Zwift Cycling Esports event or series prior to reaching eighteen years of age, as long as they are due to reach eighteen years of age by the date of their first race. In no event or series shall a rider under eighteen years of age be eligible for any monetary prize.
  • 2.2.2. Where an event is held in conjunction with the UCI or a National Cycling Federation, riders shall be required to submit evidence of their membership to Zwift on request.
  • 2.2.3. Where an event uses a riders Nationality to determine eligibility, riders who are members of a National Cycling Federation shall be considered to have the same Nationality as is recognized for them by the UCI. Riders who are not members of a National Cycling Federation shall select a Nationality based on either citizenship or residency and be required to submit evidence of this to Zwift on request.
  • 2.2.4. To be eligible to compete in a Zwift Cycling Esports event or series, riders shall have
    completed all of the following in advance of participating in order to assist with verification of their performances:

Registered with Zwift Power, and opted in to data sharing through their Zwift account.

Note that further information on registering with Zwift Power is available here:


Competed in any 5 races on Zwift, with the results registered to Zwift Power. These races may be on any course, over any duration.


Submitted all of the "Pre-Race Information" to ZADA, as set out in Appendix A ("Performance Verification").

2.3 Data

  • 2.3.1. Riders shall save any data generated by Zwift at the end of each ride by selecting "End ride" from the pause screen, and then "Save" with "public" setting.
  • 2.3.2. Riders shall be solely responsible for ensuring that race data is accurately recorded and stored, and that no signal interference or other noise source impedes the recording or storage of race data.
  • 2.3.3. Zwift reserves the right to immediately eliminate any riders for the following situations. Such riders will have their event results automatically annulled.

a)Any rider whose Zwift client cannot maintain a stable connection to the Zwift servers during an event as determined by Zwift in its sole discretion.

b) For any broadcast event, any rider whose video streaming connection negatively affects the broadcast as determined by Zwift in its sole discretion.

  • 2.3.4. By choosing to participate in a Zwift Cycling Esports event or series, individuals shall agree that their image, power, heart rate, weight, height, racing history and other such data available to Zwift through their participation may be broadcast. In addition, participating individuals agree that such data may be distributed to and used by third parties for the purposes of the broadcast and subsequent distributions of the broadcast and derivatives thereof.
  • 2.3.5. By choosing to participate in a Zwift Cycling Esports event or series, individuals shall agree to make available additional data, and respond to queries sent to their email address registered with Zwift in a timely manner, when requested by ZADA or The Performance Verification Board, as set out in Appendix A ("Performance Verification").
  • 2.3.6. Riders whose data recorded for a Zwift Cycling Esports event or series are not consistent with their In Real Life performances submitted for performance verification, or who fail to submit the data required in a timely manner for performance verification, shall be subject to sanctions, as set out in Appendix B ("Sanctions").

2.4 Game

  • 2.4.1. Riders shall compete using an account registered in their own name, and not shared with
    other riders. An exception shall be made for account sharing that makes up less than 5% of the account's cumulative time and is not used for the purposes of unlocking equipment or otherwise gaining an advantage in game.
  • 2.4.2. In-game profiles (name, nationality & gender) for riders who are members of a National Cycling Federation shall match their National Cycling Federation membership. In-game profiles for riders who are not members of a National Cycling Federation must match their passport or other government-issued identification document. National Cycling Federation membership and/or identification documents must be submitted to Zwift upon request.
  • 2.4.3. Riders shall use an in-game weight and height as measured In Real Life in accordance with
    the weight and height measurement instructions in Appendix A.
  • 2.4.4. Riders shall use the most recent public release version of the game.
  • 2.4.5. Riders shall not use the following in-game virtual equipment unless event or series specific
    rules explicitly permit it.
    a) Zwift concept bicycles (e.g. Concept Z1 / "Tron" bicycles)
  • b)Time trial bicycles or helmets (except in time trial races)
  • c) Disc wheels (e.g. Zipp Super9)
  • 2.4.6. Any branded virtual equipment that was not earned in game requires evidence of a current sponsorship with that brand in order to be used in any Zwift event.
  • 2.5 Equipment
  • 2.5.1. Riders shall compete using a direct-drive smart trainer or smart bike, cadence sensor, and heart rate monitor. Smart trainer or smart bike, cadence sensor, and heart rate monitor must be connected to the Zwift game client. The smart trainer or smart bike must be the primary power data source and must be connected to the Zwift game client as the controllable device.

Riders must record a second source of power data (e.g., power meter) in addition to the primary source paired with the game client (e.g., smart trainer). The secondary power data source must be recorded to a cycling computer. Data recorded using the secondary recording device must be recorded at one second intervals. This data is used as back up data for performance verification purposes only.

  • 2.5.2. Only those direct-drive smart trainers and smart bikes that are compatible with Zwift shall be permitted in Zwift Cycling Esports events - a current list of known compatible devices is maintained at:
    Only trainers and smart bikes with a manufacturer claimed power reading accuracy of +/- 2% or better shall be permitted.
    Zwift reserves the right to prohibit the use of smart trainers or smart bikes for which the manufacturer does not currently provide product support. For purposes of this section,
    "product support" shall mean software or firmware updates, troubleshooting, and help instructions.
    Wheel-on trainers and non-smart trainers may only be used if permitted by the applicable technical guide or race instructions.
  • 2.5.3. Smart trainer difficulty must be set to at least 50%.
  • 2.5.4. Riders shall be responsible for ensuring that accurate cadence and heart rate data is recorded to the game client for at least 95% of the rider's race time.
  • 2.5.5. Riders shall not attempt to tamper with equipment, modify any data recorded or otherwise use any mechanical, electronic or other device which provides an unfair advantage or false result.
  • 2.5.6. Riders shall be responsible for maintaining the accuracy of their equipment, including but not limited to, conducting a spin-down, zeroing or other calibration or offset procedure for power meters or smart trainers immediately prior to an event.
  • 2.5.7. Riders shall use the most recent publicly available (not beta or testing) firmware for any equipment.
  • 2.5.8. Riders shall compete clothed in cycling shorts and a cycling jersey.
  • 2.5.9. Riders shall use equipment in a manner that is consistent with Zwift Cycling Esports events being cycling events. Use of techniques or equipment (other than a smart trainer or smart bike, or those relating to body heat management - fans, towels, etc.) that would not be permitted, or not be effective, in real life cycling events, shall be prohibited.
    Note: This rule is not intended to prevent innovation, but simply to avoid the exploitation of
    "non-sporting" loopholes presented by the nature of esport. This includes, but is not limited to, exploitation of disconnections / lag / dropouts / software bugs, unusual pedaling styles, or use of equipment that is beyond what might reasonably be considered "sporting". Any riders who are concerned that an innovation may be limited by this rule are strongly encouraged to seek the advice of Zwift before using it in competition.

2.6 Results

  • 2.6.1. Unless otherwise explicitly communicated by Zwift, the results of a race shall be judged by the standard real-world rules of racing for the applicable format of a race. For example, in a Zwift Cycling Esports event that takes the format of a Circuit Race, standard In Real Life Circuit Race rules and regulations such as lapped riders not being permitted to interfere with the leaders) shall apply.
  • 2.6.2. The results of a race shall be considered provisional until all performance verification
    processes have completed, and the time limit for any disputes to be raised has elapsed.
  • 2.6.3. Where a result is annulled, or a rider is disqualified or receives a ban, all related results, classifications, points, prizes, trophies, medals, jerseys or other such awards achieved in the event or events in question shall be forfeited.
  • a) Where such a rider contributed to a team result in the event or events in question, that contribution shall also be forfeit.
  • b) The placing of such a rider and/or team shall be taken by the next rider and/or team in the classification, such that all     placings are occupied.
  • c)All benefits received by the rider and/or team, in particular any prize money and symbolic objects (trophies, medals,      jerseys etc) must be returned to the event organizer within one month, who shall then redistribute it according to the        amended classification.
  • d)The rider and/or team shall be automatically banned from Zwift Cycling Esports events if the benefits have not been     returned within one month of notification, and this shall remain in force until such time as they are returned.


Zwift Cycling Esports events are very reliant on hardware. The Performance Verification Process ensures that issues with hardware do not give a rider an unfair advantage, even when there is no intent to gain one.


Performance Verification is a collaborative process between:

  • The rider, who supplies data.
  • The Zwift Accuracy and Data Analysis Group ("ZADA), who provide expert analysis of that data.
  • The Zwift Performance Verification Board, who make decisions about that data.

An overview of how these interact is shown below.

Pre-Race Information

In order to compete in Zwift Cycling Esports events, riders must provide some data in advance. This both enables faster verification of race results, and an opportunity for potential issues with hardware to be identified and fixed before racing begins.

  • Pre-race information must be submitted to Zwift using the form provided in the applicable technical guide or race instructions before the start of an event or first event in a series of events as required by the applicable technical guide or race instructions. Please note that Pre-Race Test Course data must be submitted at least 14 das before an event (for standalone events) or 14 davs before the start of the first event a rider wishes to compete in of an event series.
    Data other than weight will remain valid for 6 months (Pre-Race Test Course), and 12 months (outdoor efforts data) after which updated data will need to be resubmitted.
    If a rider changes the equipment they use during this period such as the smart trainer and/or power meter, this data will need to be resubmitted. Riders may not switch equipment within 5 days of the start of an event without Zwift's prior written approval. For the avoidance of doubt, this rule shall also prohibit switching to different equipment versions within 5 days of the start of the event (e.g., different versions of the same smart trainer model).
  • Any videos submitted to Zwift for performance verification purposes may not be otherwise shared or distributed without Zwift's prior written approval.

The requested pre-race information is as follows:

  • A link to the rider's public Strava data.
  • FIT files recording the rider's best 5-15sec, 1min, 3-5min and 10-20min efforts, conducted on a significant gradient (5% or more) that includes both power and heart rate data. Files may be from different rides, but all must have been made within the last 12 months. Rides and effort can not be clipped/altered.
  • If the rider is located in a region where a longer hill is not accessible, a flat effort will be accepted for the10-20min duration.
  • Note that guidance for exporting the original files from Strava can be found at:
  • Important: If the rider does not ride outside, the rider will be required to submit the requested files from Zwift rides. These files need to be dual recorded rides and CANNOT be from the Pre-Race Test Course. The efforts need to be BEST efforts for the required durations on Zwift uphill segments with the trainer difficulty set to a minimum of 50%.
  • Makes, models, firmware, serial number and calibration information, slope number or calibration factor for power meters and smart trainer, and a photo of the hardware used by the rider.
    Your smart trainer model, firmware version and serial number can be found in the app for your device;
    Your power meter model, firmware version, serial number, slope number or calibration factor can be found in the app for your device
  • A video recording of the rider measuring their weight.
  • Please follow the Pre-Race Weight Video instructions below.
  • A video recording of the rider measuring their height.
  • Please follow the Pre-Race Height Video instructions below.
  • A video recording of the rider completing a test course.
  • Please follow the Pre-Race Test Course Video instructions below.

Pre-Race Weight Video

The full protocol for a rider measuring their weight is as follows. Weight measurement must be conducted within two hours of the event start and submitted to Zwift at least one hour before the event start. Have someone else film for you or film yourself using a mirror so that you are always visible throughout the video.

  • Before starting the test:
    Set up scales suitable for measuring body weight in the middle of a room on a hard, even surface, with nothing nearby to hold on to.
  • Find a heavy object (approx 10kg) that you can comfortably carry. Object must clearly indicate the mass of the object (e.g.,

"10kg" printed on the face of a kettlebell, "2.5kg" embossed on each

of 4 dumbbells).

  • Make sure you are wearing cycling shorts and a cycling jersey.
  • During the test:
  • Start recording a video on any device; for example, a cell phone.
  • Show your face on the video.
  • Show yourself performing a live internet search for the current time and date, and the results that it gives. You must clearly show the URL of the website and refresh the webpage so it is clear that the time and date are current.
  • Screenshots of mobile phone clocks or computer desktop clocks will not be accepted.
  • Show the scales.
  • Zero the scales.
  • Show the zero reading.

Show the portion of the objects) showing the mass of the object (e.g., label or printing on the object).

Place the heavy objects) weight on the scales and show the reading. Zoom in so that the reading is clear on the video.

  • Take the objects) off and show the reading.
  • Pick up the scale and turn it over to show that there is nothing on the underside of the scale or on the floor. This must be shown clearly on the video.
  • Place the scale back on the floor approximately 30cm away from the previous location.
    Stand on the scales yourself (without the weight) and show the reading. Zoom in so that the reading is clear on the video.
  • Take yourself off and show the zero reading.
    Stand on the scales with the object and show the reading. Zoom in so that the reading is clear on the video.
  • Take yourself off and show the zero reading.
  • Stop recording.
  • After the test:
  • Upload as an unlisted video to YouTube.
  • Please note that weight measurement videos must remain private. Publication of weight measurement videos, or otherwise sharing them with third parties, is a violation of these rules.

Send the link to the video to Zwift using the form provided in the applicable technical guide or race instructions.

Weight as shown in weight recording video must be entered in the applicable performance verification form in kilograms to the nearest 0.1 kg. Exactly the same weight must be entered into the Zwift application and used in-game.

An example recording is shown here: Please do not edit or trim the video.

The entire non-stop recording is required.

Pre-Race Height Video Recording

The full protocol for a rider measuring their height is as follows:

  • Before starting the test:
  • Set up a standard tape measure against a solid, vertical surface such as a wall or door-frame.
  • During the test:
  • Start recording a video on any device; for example, a cell phone.
  • Show your face on the video.
  • Stand against the vertical surface.
  • Show yourself marking the tape measure (using a pencil or piece of tape) at the same height as the top of your head.
  • Show the marking to highlight your measured height.
  • Step back to show the entire tape in the picture.
  • Stop recording.
  • After the test:
  • Upload as an unlisted video to YouTube.
  • Please note that height measurement videos must remain private. Publication of height measurement videos, or otherwise sharing them with third parties, is a violation of these rules.

Send the link to the video to Zwift using the form provided in the applicable technical guide or race instructions.

• Heights must be entered in the applicable form in centimeters to the nearest 1 cm. Exactly the same height must be entered into the Zwift application and used in-game.

An example recording is shown here: Please do not edit or trim the video.

As shown in the example, the entire non-stop recording is required.

Pre-Race Test Course Video

The full protocol for the recorded test course is as follows:

  • Before starting the test:
  • Set up a camera to simultaneously show you, your bicycle, your trainer and the Zwift screen throughout. This can be done with a webcam and streaming software (such as Streamlabs OBS), or a mobile device.
  • The recording does not need to be a livestream, but must be recorded to a streaming platform such as Youtube or Twitch
  • Recording may be set to unlisted if desired, and only need be shared with ZADA.
  • Please do not have any music on during the recording.
  • Upload the ZADA Power Test workout file (ZADA Power Test.zwo) into your workouts: us/workout-mode-S1WDxDuNB
  • Decide whether you want to perform the test by yourself, or alongside others. If doing the test alongside others, then you will need to create a meetup and each rider needs to load the test from the training settings: httos://
  • Note that the test is only to measure your power output and heart rate. It therefore does not matter what in-game virtual equipment you use, whether you ride in the draft of others, or use any power ups.
  • During the test:

Start streaming from the point of login. In particular, your stream must include the pairing screen and selection of the smart trainer (or smart bike), cadence sensor, and heart rate monitor. If these are automatically selected on logging in, then you must unselect them, and then reselect


Set up Zwift to record the power from the trainer, and a separate cycle computer to record from a separate power meter (usually, powercranks / pedals).

Set up both Zwift and the cycle computer to record cadence and heart rate, but these can be from the same sensor for each.

Set the "Power Display" option in the Zwift settings menu to "instant" (i.e., not "3 second average").

  • The cycle computer must be set to record at 1 second intervals.
    Set the Trainer Difficulty to a minimum at 50% for the full duration of the test.
  • Ride a 10-20 minute warm up of your own choosing.
  • Perform spindown of trainer (if applicable and calibrate zero-offset of power meter after the warmup (follow spindown and zero-offset calibration instructions below). The trainer calibration and power meter meter calibration need to be visible on the video recording.
  • If you are riding alongside others, join the Meetup and select the workout under the menu settings. If you are riding by yourself, select the workout under the menu.

The test must be completed as a Freeride (NO Erg mode) and at a minimum Trainer Difficulty of 50%.

Complete the ZADA Power test workout per on screen instructions. Please be sure to complete the workout on Tempus Fugit.

After you have finished the workout, select "End ride" from the pause screen, and then "Save" with the "public" setting. Exit Zwift.

  • Stop streaming after you have logged out.
  • After the test:
  • Send the two FIT files (from Zwift and your cycle computer) for the ride "ZADA Power test" and a link to the stream to Zwift using the form provided in the applicable technical guide or race instructions.

An example recording is shown here:|AJgP-sy3s. Please do not edit or trim the video.

As shown in the example, the entire non-stop recording, likely to be around 2 hours, is required.

  • Test details and instructions:
  • Avoid strenuous exercise in the 24 hours before the test.
  • Ensure you are well-hydrated and have eaten a meal with carbohydrates three hours prior to the test.
  • You must use the same equipment you plan on using for the Zwift event or event series in which you plan to participate.
  • Put on the heart rate monitor and make sure the electrodes are wet.
  • Equipment calibration and video recording instructions can be found below.
  • The test is composed of four efforts (1-min, 4-min, 7-min & 12-min) of various durations and two sprints. It is extremely important that you try and achieve the best possible power output for the entire duration of each effort.
  • For the 4-, 7-, and 12-min tests you will need to pace yourself to produce your maximal power output for that specific duration. In other words you do not want to "fade out" significantly in the second half of the effort. The efforts can be completed seated or standing or a combination out of both.
  • For the 1-min test a near all out approach is recommended.
  • The two 15 sec sprints should be an all-out maximal effort. Do not pace yourself.
  • You may drink in between efforts.
  • Effort details:
    10min warm-up progressive as per test
    1min BEST effort (start the 1min with a sprint and hold the power as long as you can finishing
    60sec - this should not be paced and it is expected to see the wattage drop)
    4min easy spin
    4min BEST effort (start with a strong acceleration and pace the effort that you complete the 4 min with the maximum power output for the duration)
    7min easy soin
    7min BEST effort (perform your best 7min effort)
    12min easy spin
    12min BEST effort (perform your best 12min effort)
    4min easy spin
  • 15sec BEST Sprint (treat this like a sprint for race win)
    4min easy spin
    15sec BEST Sprint (treat this like a sprint for a race win)
  • Easy cool-down as per test

Performing a Zero-Offset for Power Meter Calibration

For most devices the calibration option will be located under Sensor Settings on the device to which the power meter is paired. The Zero-Offset can also be calibrated in the power meter app. Please also refer to your power meter manual for how to perform a Zero-Offset calibration.

Performing a Spindown for Smart Trainer Calibration

In order to receive an accurate power and resistance reading, a Spindown calibration needs to be performed frequently for a smart trainer. A Spindown consists of the equipment warm-up riding 15-20min using a Trainer Difficulty of minimum 50% on a rolling course just like the hilly KOM 9km loop), followed by a short acceleration up to 37-38kph, at which point your stop pedalling and let the internal resistance of the smart trainer freewheel bring the flywheel to a stop.

For most devices the Spindown option will be located in the smart trainer app on your smartphone.

Additionally, the Spindown calibration can be completed for many devices within the Zwift pairing screen (

Sending Videos to ZADA:

  1. Create a You Tube account (
  2. Upload or Record a video to YouTube by selecting the video camera icon at the top right (
  3. Set uploaded video as Unlisted
  1. Go to "YouTube Studio
  2. Go to "Videos"
  3. For the video you wish to send, go to "Info and Settings"
  4. Set privacy to "Unlisted"

4. Send the link for your video to ZADA

a. Play your video

b. Copy the address/URL for the video

c. Paste the address/URL into the form provided in the applicable technical guide or race instructions

Further Information

ZADA reserves the right to ask for any additional reasonable information relevant to verifying a riders performance, using additional protocols as required, providing that these do not create an undue burden on riders, and have a reasonable prospect of helping to determine the outcome of the verification process.

Failure to provide any such information reasonably requested by ZADA may result in disqualification.

In particular, if a riders performance in an event cannot be verified using the video recorded test on Zwift, ZADA will ask riders to perform a test either in a ZADA approved lab, or outdoors with a power meter (with all efforts conducted on a significant gradient of 5% or more) or a ZADA supervised test at the riders home using the riders Zwift setup.


Any breaches of this ruleset may be subject to sanction at the sole discretion of the Performance Verification Board. To help set expectations, The Board typically use the following guidelines when determining a sanction to apply. The Board reserves the right to apply different sanctions and recognise other sanctions applied by the UCI, National Cycling Federations or other such competent bodies.

Tier 1: No Intent to Gain An Advantage

  • Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Incorrect virtual equipment

Incorrectly calibrated or otherwise ineligible physical equipment

Malfunctioning cadence sensor or heart rate monitor

Incorrect attire in a In Real Life event

  • Unable to verify performance
  • Sanctions include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • If the issue is identified before an event has started: Rider not permitted to start
    If the issue is identified after an event has started: Event result annulled

Tier 2: Intent to Gain An Advantage

•Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Race disruption

Incorrect rider height / weight

Exploiting disconnection / lag / dropout behaviour

  • Exploiting bugs in Zwift software
  • Failing to provide data (or respond in a timely manner) to the performance verification process
  • Sanctions include, but are not limited to, the following:
    First violation: Disqualification from event or series.
    Second violation: Six month ban from Zwift Cycling Esports events.
  • Third violation: One year ban from Zwift Cycling Esports events.

Tier 3: Bringing the sport into disrepute

  • Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Fabrication or modification of any data
    Equipment modification or other external trainer control
  • Use of bots / simulated riders

Identity fraud

Abuse of race officials

  • Sanctions include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • First violation: Six month ban from Zwift Cycling Esports events.
    Second violation: One year ban from Zwift Cycling Esports events.
  • Third violation: Lifetime ban from Zwift Cycling Esports events.


Zwift firmly believes in fair competition conducted in an environment that enables people to enjoy racing.

Any participant engaging in conduct that is unsporting or otherwise inconsistent with this aim shall be subject to sanction under this ruleset. Such behaviour includes, but is not limited to, the following:

Taking any actions, including use of language, that could be considered as threatening, discriminatory or otherwise could be deemed abusive or cause offence to others.

  • Attempting to use, showing others how to use, or colluding with another person who is using, any method to gain an unfair advantage, such as:
  • Disrupting a race, including inappropriately reporting, distracting or otherwise impeding the performance of other riders.
  • Using in-game equipment that has either not been earned solely by the in-game effort of the rider, or has not been authorized by Zwift as a result of a current sponsorship deal or other such association with the equipment manufacturer.
  • Deliberately mis-calibrating or otherwise tampering with equipment or software configuration such as in-game height or weight.
  • Submitting false or misleading information.
  • Use of mechanical or electronic devices that provide an unfair advantage, such as motors, devices that alter equipment signals, devices that control the smart trainer resistance, devices that broadcast simulated data or devices that interfere with broadcast data.
  • Use of PowerMatch, or other similar functionality to control the output of a smart trainer from data provided by another device.
  • Use of bots or other means of simulating riding.
  • Exploiting connectivity issues or bugs in the Zwift software.

Modifying the Zwift software, data files or memory values, or otherwise using methods to gain access to game elements, or alter game play, beyond the normal operation of the game.

Altering data transmissions between Zwift clients and servers.

• Gambling, or passing on information to others for the purpose of gambling, on any races you take part in, or have inside information on.

Additionally, riders and any other individuals who have been invited by Zwift to participate in any Zwift Cycling Esports events or series must not conduct themselves in a way that is inconsistent with representing the Zwift brand in their actions in relation to the events or series. Such behaviour includes, but is not limited to, the following

  • Breaching any confidentiality agreements.
  • Using any material that is unlicensed or relates to any competitor of Zwift.


Zwift may designate some Cycling Esports events as being held "In Real Life" where riders all compete in the same physical location, or across a small set of locations. Details of these events will be defined in event specific regulations, but to help set expectations, the following general principles will apply.

Prior to the event:

  • Selected riders will be invited by Zwift to attend.
  • All invites are subiect to verification of past performances and eligibility.
  • If riders fail to respond to invites or requests for information in a timely manner, Zwift may choose to offer their place to another rider.
  • Unless otherwise notified, riders will be responsible for their own travel and accommodation.

At the event:

  • Riders will be supplied a trainer, display, computer and sensors which they must use in the event.
  • Riders need only supply their own bicycle, clothing and nutrition. It will be the responsibility of riders to ensure that:

their bicycles are compatible with the trainer provided.

their clothing is suitable for broadcasting to an audience of all ages - riders may not be permitted to participate if the clothing worn is not considered by Zwift (in its sole discretion) to be appropriate.

• All equipment calibration, selection of in-game settings and other such actions will be performed by the event organization.


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